Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is gross!
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is gross. It involves closer contact than most people are comfortable with, and, if you practice the art long enough, you grow accustomed to having feet, hands, and other unclean parts of the human anatomy get close to your face. Because of this, hygiene is stressed as…Read More
Cross training in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

There was a time when cross training was tabooed in the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu community—when loyalty to your instructor and training only at his or her school were mutually exclusive.
Now, however, Professors are more relaxed about their students going to train at…Read More
On the importance of drilling

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is said to be the ultimate convergence of physical and mental prowess—human chess, some call it—but to be proficient at it, you need to move involuntarily. The first trace of conscious thought during a match is a precursor for…Read More
Big man, small man jiu jitsu

I started training almost three years ago, and while I’ve lost a lot of weight since beginning, I’ll always be large—especially for someone who practices Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu, an art developed to suit the combative needs of those less gifted in…Read More
“It’s not who’s good, it’s who’s left.” -Chris Haueter

Tonight a friend and local gym owner was promoted to black belt. As a long-time friend and training partner, it was obviously an emotional and heartfelt moment; one I was happy to be a part of.
For those of us lucky enough…Read More